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Baton Rouge, Louisiana is my birthplace. After graduating from Louisiana State University and a short two years in the Army, I migrated to Seattle. The year was 1975.
I have never lost my family, friendship and cultural ties to the area. I’ve photographed my way from the early 1960s to the present day. What follows are a few of my images documenting my journey and the journey’s of others I’ve met along my path. I hope you enjoy the trip.
Taking pictures in rural Louisiana.
Kim and Celeste circa 1969. Celeste passed away a few years later. Kim went on to a career in the Military being one of a very small group of woman who oversaw the loading of cargo aircraft. She retired with honors.
On any given Sunday in the backwoods around St. Francisville, a group of race horse owners meet to play, race and bet on their horses. It’s very off the grid with a group of friendly people and exciting races on a grass track.
Flooding in the Delta of south Louisiana is common. Most of the house are build 20 or more feet off the ground. This gentleman’s storage space was flooded. He was considering the options.
The summer before Katrina. My close friend with Poopoo his cat. Poopoo lived 21 years and passed in 2019.
After Katrina this woman lost the roof to her store. The store was located in Chauven, LA a fishing, shrimping and crabbing village in Terrebonne Parish.
My cousin. Stopped by for a visit. She’s now in her 90s. A delightful person.
Fooling around in the Delta.
She was my waitress in a small restaurant near St. Francisville. Loved her harir
My krewe getting ready to hit the Quarter during Mardi Gras. That’s me on the lower right.
Enjoying a moment in the Fr. Qtr, Mardi Gras.
In Baton Rouge, my nephew and his son. Not sure what was going on but there was tension in the air.
My niece singing in Jimmy Swaggart’s church choir, Baton Rouge.
Betty in repose.
My cousin taking a serious moment. She’s actually very upbeat and chatty.
Walking around Uptown in NOLA.
Lapeyrouse’s store after Katrina, the Mississippi Delta.
Lacombe State Park with Lake Pontchartrain.
Traveling down the River Road (next to the Mississippi), I stopped in a club for a drink. I first took the picture on the left. Later I saw the angry club owner with help storming my way. After a brief introduction, she posed for me and then brought in her staff. My butt was saved.
This woman’s house and land were destroyed in a Delta flood.. She had a dog with several near born pups to keep her company.
Good friend in NOLA. They’re twins.
Rebuilding along the Delta and kids playing at building.
My niece and her two sons after Katrina they lived in a trailer for a while. Their neighbor put up this sign. State Farm skirted around issuance payments and left 1000s of families high and dry. There was a thriving neighborhood behind the sign. The Gulf waves, like a giants hand, swelled a mile inland and literally whipped our nearly all the homes, garages, sheds and more.
Designed to make a thief think twice before breaking into this house.
Me, visiting Angola Prison near St. Francisville. I’m standing in front of a painitng of the interior. It’s as close as I ever care to get. One of the most vial prisons in the USA.
Along the Gulf coast…Katrina swept away their home, State Farm used a lope hole to not pay.